- Country:Canada
- Collection:Gold Lunar $150 Series II
- Metal:Gold
- Year:2012
- Denomination:$150
- Finish:Proof
- Weight (oz):0.282
- Purity:0.750
- Mintage:1430
- Product type:Coin
A classic Asian interpretation of the mythical Dragon, complete with auspicious clouds of good fortune. Year of the Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.
Crafted in 18-karat gold coin and meticulously polished by hand.
Subscribe now to get the Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon while each coin will come during the autumn preceding the animal year.
Coin design: A classic Asianinterpretation of the mythicalDragon, complete withauspicious clouds of goodfortune.
Year of the Dragon:1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.
The Dragon is a supernatural, celestial power;cherished in Chinese culture for its wisdom andthe prosperity it brings to earth. The Dragon is theultimate "doer," and tackles everything with fieryenthusiasm. It's extremely loyal to its loved onesand will come to the rescue every time. Right orwrong, forget about steering a Dragon away froma disastrous situation-duty calls! The Dragon mayhave a big ego and demanding ways, but it inspireseveryone it comes into contact with-this magicalcharacter is too dynamic and captivating to resist!
The intrigue behind the Chinese New Year.
In China, the New Year is also known as theSpring Festival. In this ancient society, farmershave always looked to the moon to determinewhen they should begin sowing their crops. Thatimportant date arrives with the first new moonafter the inception of spring; roughly halfwaybetween the winter solstice and the springequinox. As a result, the Chinese New Year shiftsfrom year to year. In 2012, the Year of the Dragonbegins on January 23rd-celebrate!